Q. How do I register a team?
A. Gather 6-23 lacrosse players (at least 1 must be a goalie), find a coach & preferably a trainer. Ask your Ontario Lacrosse Home Club to register your team using the Team Application and to register players through Sportzsoft. Pay your team fee to treasurer@omfll.com. It's that easy!
Q. Can I enter a team that is not an OLA Club?
A. Nope! This is an Ontario Lacrosse Association event and all teams must be represented by an Ontario Lacrosse Club.
Q. Can I enter a Box team?
A. Yup! This tournament is open to all Ontario Lacrosse, we hope you register your Box, Field or any lacrosse team - show us what you got on a field playing this new & faster than ever game of lacrosse!
Q. Can girls play?
A. Of course! We are accepting of girls playing on co-ed teams or all-girls teams. Just remember to bring all your equipment for safe play.
Q. Can I play for more than 1 team?
A. Not really. Players can roster for the age above (eg. a U11 can roster to a U13 team) as needed. If short and the schedule is in your favour, an affiliate player can be used from the same club in the age below (eg. call up a U11 to a U13 game as needed).
Q. What qualifies a Coach to be Certified?
A. Coaches certified by Ontario Lacrosse for either Box or Field requirements are certified! We also recommend Head Coaches complete the Sixes Coaching Course.
Q. What is the Tournament Format?
A. Games will play a minimum 4-game round robin within a pool of teams, advancing to playdowns and championships for each age division.
Q. What times are the games?
A. Expect 3-4 Round Robin games in the morning to early afternoon, followed by elimination and championship games in the evening.
Q. When will the schedule be ready?
A. We're aiming for a schedule release on by Wednesday October 4th. Plan to be at the fields for first games at 9am and last games starting at 8pm.
Q. Will my team have to provide a score or timekeeper?
A. Nope! The tournament will be providing score & timekeepers for all games.
Q. But, what will I wear?
A. We get it, this is a weekend tourney, but a fun one too! Teams are able to wear existing and matching, box jerseys, field jerseys or pinnies. We ask that you have an option for contrasting colours between opposing teams and visible player numbers. Get new jerseys, wear what you got - it's up to you!
Q. Are the Rules the same for U9?
A. There are some modifications for our youngest age division U9 (2017-2016-2015 birth years). This age group will play without a shot clock and 4'x4' nets.
Q. What happens if I receive a suspension?
A. Any suspensions received during the tournament will be served during the tournament and any outstanding suspensions will be served during the next OLA event (eg. Fall Ball Championship, Spring Field or Box)
Q. Is there Overtime?
A. Round Robin games will end with a tie. Elimination games tied after regulation time, will receive a 2 minute break and proceed with a 4 minute overtime period and sudden victory. Overtime periods will continue until sudden victory is achieved.
Q. Will there be a shot clock?
A.Yes the 30 second rule applies! Sixes lacrosse uses a 30 second shot clock, which will be time by the timekeeper and an alarm will sound. We will not have display shot clocks onsite. U9 game play will not include the 30 second shot clock.